Mission Statement

We have joined the mission to bring critical 5G infrastructure to connect the continent as a matter of great public purpose.

Our projects seek new large scale Federal funding from anticipated grants from the Biden/Harris Administration.

Our companies participated in large, multi-million dollar grant applications from the rural broadband stimulus program in the Obama era. We were there then, and we are here now.

To our grant funding efforts, we have spent the intervening years in writing securities for our companies, under regulations promulgated by the S.E.C. under legislation known at the JOBS Act. Our Form Reg. D and Regulation A+ offerings will allow us to raise needed seed capital, which will allow us to compete with other companies, in the highly competitive grants process.

In addition, we have instituted our Series A funding program. This program allows us to raise capital parallel to our S.E.C. offerings. Series A offerings are made largely through the venture capital companies, who specialize in such offerings. Such companies post their funding projects on, among other websites, the Crunchbase website.

Our mission is to bring 5G all across America, and to include vital community anchor institutions, such as libraries, rural hospitals and medical clinics, jobs training centers, and other vital institutions. These institutions must receive funding to receive CoVID-related technology for testing, quarantine, and prevention.

We’re on a mission.