Tony’s Thursday Quick Note / SEC qualifies world’s first Bitcoin-for-Reg. A+ shares sales



December 21,2017


Now selling




As payment for and as consideration for

shares of stock in our two

qualified Reg. A+ companies.*



in Bitcoin available for each Reg. A+ company**


*Pursuant to a full review and qualification by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the companies shown on our homepage with a link to the SEC to the full EDGAR files, at Please see the amended offering circular, Section V, Item 14, dated December 19, 2017 for the full offering language for Bitcoin.


**See, the full Reg. A+ offering circulars for sales and distribution terms and conditions on EDGAR. The minimum for each qualified Reg. A+ offering is $5,000.00 and the maximum is $20,000,000.00.